In our modern age, social media is a crucial communication, marketing,and customer service tool. Many customers are already interacting through social media. Therefore, businesses must invest in promoting and building customer care efforts on social media platforms.  You have to prove to your customers that you are a helpful resource when they need something. Below are strategies that businesses can use social media platforms as a customer service tool.

Be Present

In social media platforms, businesses must consistently monitor social media to deliver efficient customer service by flagging messages related to their brand. You can use both chatbots and human agents to ease the burden and respond more effectively. Inactivity can lead to missed opportunities. You should have at least one employeeor outsource to a third-party company to moderate your brand’s social media accounts. Always make sure you’re present in your social media platforms. 

Respond As Quickly As Possible

Respond to your customers’ questions, complaints, and comments as quickly as possible. People always expect quick responses, especially because of the “always-on” expectation created by the social media customer support. Whether it’s a positive or angry comment, people love being heard and acknowledged. Poor response or lack of it tends to reflect negatively on any brand. The effects of poor response time can cause people to warn or complain publicly through social media, ornotrecommend your brand.

Know Which Posts To Respond To In Private Or Public

There are posts that you’ll need to respond to in public, such as posts for Facebook or on Twitter or Instagram. These posts should also resolve other pressing issues that other customers might have or explain something in detail for all to understand. For private response, you can send it via the messenger, and if it requires research, let the customer know you’ve received the message, and you’ll answer it shortly.

Combat Negativity With Positivity On Social Media

It will help if you meet negativity with positivity at all times. The old saying that “The customer is always right” also applies online. When a customer complains on social media, there is a possibility that all of them will see it, always prepare for inevitable complaints or negative comments. Remain positive, other followers or loyal customers will often rally behind your brand if one negative follower is antagonizing your business. You should include brainstorming positive responses in your social media customer service strategy.

Most customers will choose to seek help online to solve their problems or ask a query. Today, Social media customer service is a valuable tool that you can use to build a community around your brands. It also promotes brand advocacy and loyalty.

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