Construction Manager with a Heart for Children, Teamwork and Affordable Housing

David van der Most has a background in building and construction, as well as charities with a niche in affordable housing and special needs children. If elected, he plans to tackle overcrowding and reduce crime and pollution. He believes these issues are all related to too much construction within Pompano Beach. He wants to approve projects that benefit all of Pompano and not ignore certain districts — like District 4.

“The benefit of Pompano has always been a “small town” feel with ease of access to all parts of the city, the highway and just minutes away from Fort Lauderdale and Boca. I don’t want see that “small town” eliminated by submitting to the desires of big developers,” he told Villij News.

He says that the city does not have the street capacity or the infrastructure to continue to approve maximum-density projects.

Some of his accomplishments include becoming the chairman of the Traffic Safety Committee 18 years ago and working to install speed humps, street lighting, and traffic circles after two children were involved in accidents near Pompano Middle School.

If elected, he would also reduce infighting within the commission. “My opponent, the incumbent, has been outwardly accused of being racist on several occasions and incited outcries from the gallery during commission meetings for her attitude towards others, specifically those of color, on the dais. There is no place in our society for such behavior, let alone in our city’s leadership.”

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